Illustrations by Meghan Livernois
Graphic Design by Brooke Rousseau
Lyrics by Kevin Wrobel
Graphic Design by Brooke Rousseau
Lyrics by Kevin Wrobel
"Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living."
- Genesis 3:20
Our story begins in the garden of Eden, where Eve longs for more than simply existing in Adam's shadow.

I hear you whispering to me,
"Come and taste the apple"
My master from up above
said that it would kill me
You say it will open my eyes,
“god's a lying coward"
What would he do to punish me?
Throw me out of Eden?
I'd be the Mother of All Sin
Banished from paradise if I defy him
I'd be the Mother of All Sin
Cast out and punished for all eternity
I’m tempted to just give in —
finally eat the apple
Why should I be so afraid?
To hell with consequences
I never really liked it here —
stuck in Adam's shadow
Now is the time to take the bite
and finally open my eyes
I'll be the Mother of All Sin
Banished from paradise when I defy him
I'll be the Mother of All Sin
Cast out and punished for all eternity
[The Serpent]
Give in...
to Gluttony...
to Lust...
to Greed...
to Envy...
to Sloth...
to Pride...
and Wrath
I am the Mother of All Sin
Banished from "paradise"
‘cause I defied him
Call me the Mother of All Sin
Now I can finally breathe
and choose my own path
"When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it."
- Genesis 3:6
The happily exiled Eve ventures forth into the world of men to find more delicious things that were denied to her in "paradise"...

The taste of the apple has
awoken something in me
I never knew that life
could be so delicious
I will not stop until I
have tasted everything
So give me wines, bread,
and mead until I’ve had it all
I just want to consume
all that you have denied me
I just want to consume
Never satisfied
I just want to consume
all that you have denied me
I just want to consume
Never enough
What else was I denied
in god’s “paradise?”
There must be more...
All wisdom and understanding
were kept from me
I will not stop until I know
every scrap of knowledge
So give me tomes, scrolls,
and books until I learn it all
I just want to consume
all that you have denied me
I just want to consume
Never satisfied
"Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes."
- Proverbs 6:25
Now that Eve has had a real taste of the world, she turns to her other physical needs and reflects upon her time with Adam.

If I was made to complete Adam,
why didn’t he make me feel complete?
If he was sent from the heavens above
give me someone from below
I don’t want no man
unless he comes from hell —
where the fire burns so much hotter
No, don’t want no man
unless he takes me there —
into the flames to conquer my lust
Adam’s controlling, pathetic, and selfish
He thought he owned me
but no man owns me
If Adam’s so pure
then give me some evil
Take me somewhere down below
I don’t want no man
unless he comes from hell —
where the fire burns so much hotter
No, don’t want no man
unless he takes me there —
into the flames to conquer my lust
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
- Matthew 6:24
Eve longs for more than just primal desires. She shifts her focus towards the material world and all it has to offer.

I’ve lived my life as a servant
never getting what I want
And now that I’ve seen the whole world
I’m filled with a ravenous greed
I seek the opulence of men
I don’t want anything less
I want to bathe in luxury
until I’m drowning in wealth
I want power and bars of gold
I want gemstones and silk to wrap around me
Want the scepter and want the crown
Want the people to worship and adore me
I would make such a lovely queen
covered in diamonds so pure
The birds would sing of my beauty
as people bow before me
I would use all of my power
to make my own paradise
Where I would answer to no one
No men would rule over me
I want power and bars of gold
I want gemstones and silk to wrap around me
Want the scepter and want the crown
Want the people to worship and adore me
Give me power and bars of gold
Give me gemstones and silk to wrap around me
Grab the scepter and take the crown
Finally know what it's like to rule the world
"Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
- Genesis 3:16
Her quest for money and power is cut short when she crosses paths with Adam, who is on a similar quest...

“My dear, sweet girl,
why would you show your face?
You are to blame for the sin in the world
I am chosen by God to become king
Come Eve, witness the rise of my kingdom”
I’m so sick with envy
Why should you get everything that I want?
You’ve had it so easy
I’ve had to claw my way up from nothing
“Darling, there is no place in my world for you
Unless you will bow and be my servant
There is no shame to play the role God gave you
Take this offer and I’ll forgive your sins”
I’m so sick with envy
Why should you get everything that I want?
You’ve had it so easy
I’ve had to claw my way up from nothing
You’re so cold and clueless
You’ve been given everything from the start
It’s cruel and unfair
You’ve never had to prove your worth
I’m so sick with envy
Why should you get everything that I want?
You’ve had it so easy
I’ve had to claw my way up from nothing
“Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.”
- Ephesians 5:22-24
Eve falls into despair when she realizes the world of men is no different than the garden she chose to leave.

And still after all this time
I’m stuck in Adam’s shadow
What’s the point in trying at all?
Feels like I never left Eden —
trapped within this nightmare
where I have no one to turn to
[The Serpent]
Why would you lay around and wither?
Aren’t you the Mother of Sin?
Where’s the woman who defied thee one god?
Where’s the woman that no man could defeat?
Long gone, there’s no fight left in me
Why’d I ever believe
that I’d never rise above man?
Did I make the right decision
when I bit the apple...
or was my defiance a curse?
[The Serpent]
Why would you lay around and wither?
Aren’t you the Mother of Sin?
Where’s the woman who defied thee one god?
Where’s the woman that no man could defeat?
Did I make it this far just to give in?
Aren’t I more than the servant of man?
Why would I lay around and wither?
Am I not the Mother of Sin?
I’m the woman who defied thee one god
I’m the woman that no man will defeat
Adam is not some unbeatable foe
Eden will burn and I’ll unmake his world
“I have come to set fire to the earth, and I only wish it were already burning.”
- Luke 12:49
Lost confidence has been regained and the Mother of All Sin begins her journey back to Eden.
"If after all this you will not listen to me, I will punish you for your sins seven times over."
- Leviticus 26:18
On her way back to "paradise", Eve imagines all the things she will say to Adam when she sees him again.

I reject your new claim to rule this world
I won’t bow to the spoiled pawn of god
There is nothing you could do to me now
That would break my will and
make me bend my knee to you
You are so far below me
What could you ever,
ever do to me?
I am the end to all you know
You will bow to me,
bow to me Adam
How can you even claim that you’re the “king”,
when your god has been pulling all your strings?
Have you no pride to decide for yourself?
You served in “paradise” and
now you serve upon your throne
You are so far below me
What could you ever,
ever do to me?
I am the end to all you know
You will bow to me,
bow to me Adam
"After sending them out, the LORD God stationed mighty cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden. And he placed a flaming sword that flashed back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."
- Genesis 3:24
And so she returns...

Satan, grant me strength to take my revenge
Angel, step aside with your flaming sword
Eden will suffer my fury and wrath
until there is nothing left but ash
Satan, you would never bow down to man
You and I are the same, can’t you see?
Send your host up from the depths of Hell
Baptize me in the blaze of my revenge
[The Serpent]
Hell hath no fury like that of a woman —
Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned
That of a woman scorned
I was brought into this garden a slave
Watch as it burns to the ground in flame
I’ll bring doom to the world of men
From the ashes of Eden
I’m reborn
[The Serpent]
Hell hath no fury like that of a woman —
Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned
That of a woman scorned
I was brought into this garden a slave
Watch as it burns to the ground in flame
I’ll bring doom to the world of men
From the ashes of Eden
I’m reborn
"And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner."
- Timothy 2:14
Eve, with the help of The Serpent's horde, lays waste to Adam's kingdom and finally gets the confrontation she has longed for.

As we march toward the end
of your feeble kingdom
I can’t help but wonder
what did you think would happen?
You put the blame on me
for the sins of man but
you ate that same apple —
didn’t you enjoy the taste?
As my legion surrounds you,
do you now know regret?
I’m the Mother of Sin, but
you don’t know your own name
You are the Father
You are the Father of All Lies
And as the serpent slithers
toward your trembling body
I almost feel pity
Were you always a coward?
My hand holds this cold dagger
pressed up against your throat
I thought I wanted this...
but are you even worth it?
I’ve wasted so long trying
to convince myself that
I was worth something
only to realize that
You’re just the Father
You’re just the Father of All Lies
Adam, you have never been king
nor will you ever have absolute control
Can’t you see you’re unworthy?
No one was made to rule
none were made to submit
I won’t take your life
just to prove I’m no servant
I don’t need to wear this crown
I hold all the power
I am my own master
Who are you gonna blame now?
You are the Father
You are the Father of All Lies
[The Sisters of Eve]
Despite all your strength and lies
your gods above or devils below —
you will never bend me to your will
What you crave is complete control,
but you will never rob me
of the power to deny you
in either thought or action
And because of this
I will forever hold power over you
and all that you desire
So may your order be denied,
may you dwell in chaos —
forever enslaved to all my children
And may you finally know me
as I choose to be:
The Mother of All Sin
and the servant of none